You’ve planned and packed and checked your list once, twice and dare I say three times so now you are on your way!  Here are my simple tips for capturing those memories.  First and foremost take tons of pictures!  Digital photography has made this so easy.  You can delete the ones that you don’t like when you get home.  Have plenty of camera batteries and SD cards or if you are only using your Smart Phone be prepared to charge it during the day if you are taking photos with it. Remember your converter if traveling somewhere that doesn’t use our 120 AC plugs.  These are from a trip to Italy my husband and I took for our 15th anniversary.


Minori and Maiori from our room in  Ravello

Don’t forget to put people in your images and the scenery.  I see people get it wrong both ways!  Some people only take pictures of themselves and never include the scenery. Others only capture the scenery but are never in the photo. Combine them both for memorable moments you and your family will have forever.


Enjoy the local wines, EVERYDAY!


Sit back and relax! It’s no fun if you come home exhausted!

People in the photo can give a sense of scale and prospective.  When you include people you are telling a story and it gives context to an otherwise generic photograph. A person in the photo will draw the viewer in and provide a point of interest.


Be goofy!

Be creative and look for a different view of the same shot everyone else is taking.


look for a unique angle to frame your shots


Capture the highlights! Shoot pictures of what everyone else is taking a picture of- there is probably a good reason

Beauty is everywhere you just have to keep your eyes open to see the obvious.


Take pictures even if the sun isn’t out


Do something new like take a cooking class!



In Italy we had pizza everyday for lunch practically


Cooking class photos


Making Bruschetta – who doesn’t like food shots!

Look for the unique beauty that your chosen location provides. Cultures differ widely around the world.  Capture those memories!  Keep your shots simple and they will be more appealing. Try to get off the beaten path.  Don’t forget those close up shots of food, flowers, unique details, colorful doorways etc.  Don’t worry about the light available you can probably touch up your shots in Editing software on any camera or phone. Try to see each view from a unique perspective.


Take some shots from far out – you can always crop them later

But ALWAYS, ALWAYS enjoy your time off!!!